Open Browser Window

Use the Open Browser Window action to open a URL in a new window. You can specify the properties of the new window, including its size, attributes (whether it is resizable, has a menu bar, and so on), and name.

If you specify no attributes for the window, it opens at the size and with the attributes of the window that launched it. Specifying any attributes for the window automatically turns off all other attributes that are not explicitly turned on. For example, if you set no attributes for the window, it might open at 640 x 480 pixels and have a navigation bar, location toolbar, status bar, and menu bar. If you explicitly set the width to 640 and the height to 480 and set no other attributes, the window opens at 640 x 480 pixels and has no navigation bar, no location toolbar, no status bar, no menu bar, no resize handles, and no scroll bars.

To use the Open Browser Window action:

1 Select an object and open the Behavior inspector.
2 Click the plus (+) button and choose Open Browser Window from the Actions pop-up menu.
3 Click Browse to select a file, or enter the URL you want to display.
4 Set any of the following options:
Window Width Specifies the width of the window in pixels.
Window Height Specifies the height of the window in pixels.
Navigation Toolbar Is the row of browser buttons that includes Back, Forward, Home, and Reload.
Location Toolbar Is the row of browser options that includes the location field.
Status Bar Is the area at the bottom of the browser window in which messages (such as the load time remaining and the URLs associated with links) appear.
Menu Bar Is the area of the browser window (Windows) or the desktop (Macintosh) where menus such as File, Edit, View, Go, and Help appear. You should explicitly set this option if you want users to be able to navigate from the new window. If you do not set this option, the user can only close or minimize the window (Windows) or close the window or quit the application (Macintosh) from the new window.
Scrollbars as Needed Specifies that scroll bars should appear if the content extends beyond the visible area. If you do not explicitly set this option, scroll bars do not appear. If the Resize Handles option is also turned off, users have no way of seeing content that extends beyond the original size of the window.
Resize Handles Specifies that the user should be able to resize the window, either by dragging the lower right corner of the window or by clicking the maximize button (Windows) or size box (Macintosh) in the upper right corner. If this option is not explicitly set, the resize controls are unavailable and the lower right corner is not draggable.
Window Name Is the name of the new window. You should name the new window if you want to target it with links or control it with JavaScript.
5 Click OK.
6 Check that the default event is the one you want.
If it isn't, choose another event from the pop-up menu. If the events you want are not listed, change the target browser in the Events For pop-up menu.